Author Archives: Louise Savoie


Caring for People with Dementia

People diagnosed with dementia usually experience a gradual decline in their cognitive and physical health. These may result in poor judgment, memory loss, or repeating questions. As the disease progresses, it may be difficult for them to live indepe...

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How to Boost a Senior’s Brain Health

Brain health tends to deteriorate with the onset of old age. With a gradual decline in their cognitive health, seniors are vulnerable to developing progressive brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s. Since most of t...

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Give Yourself a Rest and Enjoy It

Working hard is a good trait. It bespoke dedication, grit, and perseverance. But never ever think that rest isn’t necessary. That rest is for the weak and should be given only a little at a time. No, rest is as important as working. So, suppose...

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Is It a Senior Moment or Something More?

Have you forgotten something recently? Have you forgotten that you’ve forgotten something? Do you think forgetfulness isn’t normal, and is it time to look for a dementia care provider? Suppose you’ve answered yes to those questions...

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Signs It’s Time to Arrange Home Care Services

Home care is a popular care option for seniors and their families as it provides the right level of care and support to facilitate healthy aging. While an aging parent or loved one may be living independently today, there will come a time when they w...

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How Aging Adults Benefit from Companionship

When an elderly parent or loved one has expressed a desire to age in place, it is normal to feel concerned for their well-being. While aging in place can allow seniors to live more independently, it can also cause some concerns, especially when they ...

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